The Workshop: Bat Signal
The workshop series is a deeeeeep dive into different pillars that make your life and online business IMMENSELY easier.
I'm starting with Bat Signal, because it's the place where most get stuck, and quite frankly, it's the starting line, so if I can get you moving through this with ease, the rest will be MUCH EASIER.
In this intensive, I will be:
Defining Bat Signal (of course)
Drilling down on what it is, and most importantly what it isn't (this is where most people are....they hand out a few layers above where their actual signal is)
Teaching you how to present yourself and show up in a way that they know you are here for them
We, if we have time, will also be working our way through how you can serve them best via your lead group
Some of that may look like things you think you've seen before from me, but if you've ever done a group coaching call with me, you already know.....MUCH MORE comes out. I will be uncovering topics and gold nuggets that I've never gone into before, so be READY with your NOTEBOOK :)
Ok you guys! That's it!!!
I CANNOT WAIT to see you all!!!
This is gonna be a BLAST!
xo Martha